Fairs and Exhibitions

Young Explorers Fairs at the lower primary level, Interest Fairs at the upper primary level and Science Fairs at the secondary school level are held annually. The Interest Fairs and Young Explorers Fairs are based on the premise that not all kids love science but all kids love something! There are many advantages of these fairs, because in them there are many more options.

These fairs encourage students to delve deeply into concepts that arouse their curiosity. They provide participants an opportunity to investigate their favorite areas and share them with the school community. Every Interest Fair and Young Explorers Fair is a learning experience for both the students and the teachers involved.

Science Fairs give students an opportunity to individually investigate a scientific problem. Students complete individual or team projects in which they are required to formulate a question, research a topic, design an experiment, collect and analyze data, and form a conclusion based on their data. These projects help students learn the scientific method by actually going through the same process that scientists use. Students also learn how to sequence data into an attractive display and how to make a clear and effective oral presentation of their work.