Code of Conduct

  • Regularity of attendance and punctuality are important in the academic progress of the child and in his or her character training.
  • It is compulsory to bring the school diary daily.
  • Participation in morning assembly is compulsory.
  • Home assignments should be completed on time.
  • Student absent without notifying will be considered truant and the proper authorities will be notified. A written excuse from the parent of an absent student must be presented to the teacher when the student returns to school. These become part of the attendance file.
  • No student may leave school during the school hours unless accompanied by a parent or guardian who must report to the school office.
  • Parents and guardians are not allowed to visit their wards or teachers in the class rooms without the permission of the Principal.
  • Anyone who notices something damaged (or being damaged) should at once report the matter to the Principal.
  • Students must look after their belongings themselves. School authorities will not be responsible for loss of books or goods.
  • Students should take due care of the school property.
  • One of the most important aspects of education is discipline which should eventually be internalized. Discipline is the training that develops self-control, orderliness, efficiency and character. Basic to all discipline is the principle of respect – respect for one’s self, respect for others.
  • In order to form proper habits and attitudes, the following rules for good conduct are expected to be obeyed by every student:
    • Respect for all faculty members, other students and self.
    • Respect for the school property and school uniform.
    • Courtesy and consideration for all members of the school community.
    • Silence at places and times designated for silence.
    • No chewing of gum in the building or on school grounds.
    • No student is allowed to roam anywhere in the school building without supervision.
  • No students will be permitted to begin the new school year unless all financial obligations of the pervious school year have been satisfied.
  • It is the duty and the responsibility of the parent or guardian to check and note on the monthly school calendar provided by the school. any days of early dismissal of days off.
  • No students are allowed to bring cell phone.
  • Cheating in the examination is treated as an act of dishonesty and the school takes a very dim view of such cases. Any student found cheating shall be awarded zero mark and shall be under strict observation. However, repetition of any such act shall result in expulsion from the school. Cases of plagiarism too will be treated as “Cheating”.
  • Wearing a uniform is a sign of identification with the school community. By wearing a uniform, students show pride in their school and exhibit respect for their person by dressing in a dignified manner. The uniform also helps to reduce competition in dress as a result of contemporary styles. Student should arrive at school and leave school in full uniform. Boys Hair length may not exceed collar length. All hair must be kept clean and neat. Fad or engraved hairstyles are not permitted. Jewellery is not permitted, except that girls may wear one pair of earrings, no hoops or dangles. Positively No Make-Up or Nail-Polish is permitted during school hours. School Shoes (oxford type) black or white non-skid are required. No sandals, clogs or loafers. Heels on shoes are not to be more than one inch in height.
  • Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken for failure to adhere to the above rules.